冲击器缩写 (AIM)

缩写撞击器测量 (AIM) 的概念建立在以下基础上:一旦使用全分辨率级联撞击器在开发过程中建立了产品的完整空气动力学粒度分布 (APSD) 曲线(并验证了过程),那么对于产品批量放行测试和 QC 应用程序,可以使用更简单但高度敏感的指标,仅用于确定产品是否适合用途。这被称为高效数据分析 (EDA)。

Fast Screening Andersen (FSA)

Fast Screening Andersen (FSA)

The Fast Screening Andersen (FSA) is an AIM version of the standard Andersen Cascade Impactor (ACI) suitably modified to provide a reduced stack plus filter (F) suitable for either:

Quality Control (FSA-QC) – Stages 0 (or -1, or -2A) and F are used in conjunction with a Stage X, having a cut-off diameter as close as possible to the Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter (MMAD) of the aerosol, as determined during full resolution cascade impactor testing.

Product Development (FSA-HRT) – stages with cut-off diameters are available at 5.0 and 1.0 μm for MDI applications at 28.3 L/min. Also, for this flow rate and higher flow rates (60 and 90 L/min) stages having traditional ACI cut-points of 4.7 and 1.1 μm are available primarily for DPI applications



Copley introduces new tool to support evolving inhaler testing practice

2nd November 2022


Poster: DDL 2022 (VRC)


Poster: DDL 2022 (Mitchell et. al)
