Copley’s labour-saving devices quadruple inhaler testing productivity

1 February 2008; Nottingham, UK: Reports of unprecedented levels of inhaler testing productivity are fuelling interest in a range of labour saving devices offered by Copley Scientific. These devices are designed for use with cascade impactors: instruments that the pharmaceutical industry is required to use for routine testing of all inhaled products.

Cascade impaction is a labour-intensive process. When using manual analysis, achieving a maximum of just five to eight tests per day is typical. Recent work suggests that semi-automation significantly improves this throughput, with as much as a four-fold increase in productivity. At the same time, reduced manual handling and operator input gives enhanced reproducibility.

Widely recognised as experts in the field of inhaler product testing, Copley Scientific supplies a broad range of labour-saving devices, supporting both the Next Generation Pharmaceutical Impactor (NGI) and the Andersen Cascade Impactor (ACI). For example, the novel, fully integrated Andersen and NGI Sample Recovery Systems (A-SRS and N-SRS respectively) manufactured by MSP Corporation in the USA, automate and accelerate the entire sample recovery process, reducing work-up times to around 10 minutes. Induction port and preseparator rinsers, the ‘Gentle Rocker’ and the NGI Assistant, individually semi-automate specific parts of the procedure.

Highly sophisticated in design, but straightforward to use, the A-SRS and N-SRS provide rapid and efficient sample recovery. Analyst-to-analyst variability is eliminated. The disassembled impactor, including the induction port, pre-separator (A-SRS only) and mouthpiece adaptor, is simply loaded onto the sample recovery bed (HPLC vials are collected for off-line analysis once recovery is complete). Solvent is circulated around the system in closed liquid loops, driven by high precision pumps. The result is fast and efficient sample dissolution and extraction.

CAPTION: The NGI Sample Recovery System

About Copley Scientific

Copley Scientific is recognised as the world’s leading manufacturer of inhaler test equipment and is a major supplier of test equipment for pharmaceutical solid dosage forms, including tablet dissolution, disintegration, friability, hardness and powder testers.

The company has offices in the UK and Switzerland and a partnership with aerosol particle science experts MSP Corporation in the US. Copley’s broad range of testing products for metered-dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and nasal sprays are supplied and supported worldwide through close relationships with specialist distributors. Serving the pharmaceutical and associated industries, Copley offers an extensive range of equipment for research, production, clinical trials and quality control, as well as full validation and aftersales service, providing a single source for products that meet individual needs.

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