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Alberta Idealised Nasal Inlet AINI

Alberta Idealised Nasal Inlet AINI

Understanding and optimising regional deposition is essential to maximise the fraction of drug absorbed via the target pathway and to minimise drug transit to the lungs. For nasally inhaled products, the AINI enables representative testing of the deposition of drug within the nasal airways.

  • Idealised geometry representing a range of patient groups
  • Smooth, uniform internal geometry
  • Quick-release clips make internal coating and drug recovery quick and simple
  • Seals ensure leak-free testing
  • Chemically compatible with a range of solvents
  • Manufactured from aluminium for durability and to ensure dimensional reproducibility

Regions represented by the AINI

The AINI accurately mimics deposition behaviour in each region, allowing the collection of drug samples that reflect the corresponding fraction of the dose for analysis.

The AINI has a four-region resolution:

  • the vestibule
  • the turbinates
  • the olfactory region
  • the nasopharynx

The AINI is easily separated into its component parts to enable drug recovery and assay for each individual area. The AINI comes complete with mensuration and test certificates.

The nasal model we offer was developed from extensive research into typical patient populations including information provided by CT and MRI scans, direct observation of living subjects and data in the archival literature. More information and references are available on request.


