


2023 年 7 月 5 日;英国诺丁汉:Copley Scientific 任命 Imran Haneef 先生为业务开发经理,表明其致力于为客户提供针对各种药物剂型的高质量测试解决方案的承诺。Haneef 将专注于固体剂量、半固体、透皮和粉末测试产品组合,该产品组合以其成本效益、稳健的性能和可靠性而闻名。凭借他在生命科学和实验室设备销售方面的背景以及与客户建立牢固关系的记录,他是不断壮大的 Copley 团队的优秀补充。 业务开发主管 Matthew Fenn…


Copley应用专家Clair Brooks走马上任,强调为客户提供卓越支持的承诺。

2023年5月23日;英国诺丁汉 (Nottingham):Copley Scientific是一家大型制药测试系统供应商,在经口吸入制剂及鼻用制剂 (OINDP) 领域拥有享誉世界的专业技术,公司任命了一名新的应用专家,旨在确保公司在持续发展的过程中始终保持以客户为中心。Clair Brooks博士是一位经验丰富的生命科学专业人士,曾为一家领先的分子诊断公司提供现场支持。她在Copley主要负责帮助客户优化设备的使用,解决客户遇到的各种困难,确保客户得到全面可靠的数据,实现投资回报最大化。 “应用专家这一职位对我们至关重要”,Copley总经理Jamie Clayton先生说道, “因此在我们的团队中增加这一角色令人兴奋,定将为我们带来巨大的助力。Copley的成功是一支专业团队数十年来不懈追求行业领先的技术知识的成果。公司的发展让我们得以更加专业化,不断丰富专业技能,专攻重点。了解制药行业不断变化的要求并为客户提供满足这些要求的工具是重中之重。这一职位的任命将使我们在这方面的现有能力有所加强。” Clair拥有生物化学和微生物学的专业学术背景,在加入Copley前不久,还曾为监管严格的测试实验室提供过启动和运营支持。作为现场应用专家,Clair的日常工作涉及与科学专家交流,帮助确保监管合规性以及在紧迫的时间内排除故障和问题。这些经历让Clair成为公司内部专家,在工作中如鱼得水,以最合理的方式运用Copley产品支持制药研发和生产。她的主要职责包括为Copley的整个产品组合提供深入的应用支持,在现场和Copley总部提供全面的用户培训,并向公司内部展示客户需求。 “我们致力于确保客户在与Copley合作时感到轻松且有所收获,我相信Clair将在兑现这一承诺方面发挥重要作用”,Jamie继续补充道。“我期待Clair在公司未来的各项活动中以客户的视角推进工作。” 图片文字:总经理Jamie Clayton先生欢迎Clair Brooks博士担任Copley应用专家一职 关于Copley Scientific Copley…



2023年1月3日;英国诺丁汉 (Nottingham): 2023年伊始,Copley宣布了高管团队的重要任命公告,由Jamie Clayton担任总经理一职。Clayton在制药行业大名鼎鼎,因为他为推动FT4粉体流变仪在全球的知名度做出了积极贡献,他的加入为高层带来了更加丰富的专业知识和广受尊崇的专业技能。Copley还吸引到了Matthew Fenn来担任公司的业务开发总监。Fenn在医疗保健行业拥有近二十年的丰富经验,他将主要关注客户需求,推动和促进教育和培训机会,提供更具创新性的产品和服务解决方案。本次任命后,Copley迎来了一段持续发展的时期,2022年底,Copley荣获Nottinghamshire Business of the Year (诺丁汉年度最佳企业奖),也反映出了公司对未来的宏伟蓝图。 “Copley最近五年取得了长足发展”,首席执行官Mark Copley说到,“而且我们始终欢迎各界有识之士加入我们成熟完善的团队。留住高级人才是我们长期发展战略的重要组成部分,这有赖于发掘经验丰富的人才,这些人才应具备“Copley”思维模式以及互补和相关的经验。Jamie和Matthew的个人能力与我们的诉求完美契合,能与他们同事我非常激动。” 身为总经理,Clayton将管理Copley从财务到产品开发的所有日常运营事务。首要重点是团队的持续发展和公司文化的植入,确保随着公司规模的不断扩大,始终采取最佳实践并提供卓越的客户体验。 “无论是公司管理、以客户为中心的方法,还是从干粉吸入制剂配方到片剂生产的全方位粉末技术方面渊博的技术专长,Jamie的工作能力有目共睹。”Copley先生表示。“他的上任对Copley而言是一股巨大的助力,让我能够放手去探索和推进新的投资机会和战略合作伙伴关系,这是我们当前计划的重要组成部分。” 加入Copley之前,Fenn曾在全球医疗保健行业最大的制造解决方案供应商Jabil公司工作,也曾在3M Health Care公司工作过很长一段时间。Matthew拥有医疗器械、药物递送系统和消费者保健品方面的背景,能够帮助Copley确定需求、完善服务并制定新的创新目标。…


Copley Scientific invests locally and boosts rate of growth, to support growing international business

21st July 2017; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific, the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of inhaler testing equipment,…


Copley Scientific announces major expansion of UK headquarters

1 February 2017; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific has revealed plans to more than double the size of…


Copley Scientific celebrates 7 decades of responsive service to the pharmaceutical industry

17 May 2016; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific, a family-owned company that began supplying glassware to the UK…


Copley Scientific appoints new distributor in India to meet growing market demand for pharmaceutical testing equipment

28 October 2014; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific has appointed Apex Chromatography Pvt. Ltd. as its exclusive distributor…


Copley Scientific’s Swiss office celebrates 10 years in business

26 February 2013; Nottingham, UK:Copley Scientific’s Swiss office is currently celebrating its tenth highly successful year of…


Backing a winner: Copley Scientific celebrate the success of sponsored youth football team

30 January 2013; Nottingham, UK: Nottingham-based scientific instruments company Copley Scientific are celebrating the second consecutive winning…


Copley Scientific’s distributor training ensures market leading support for inhaler testing worldwide

7 June 2012; Nottingham, UK: In May 2012, Copley Scientific’s distribution partners from around the world gathered…


Copley Scientific appoints new distributors in Turkey, Brazil and China

14 May 2012; Nottingham UK: Building on an established reputation as a global provider of high quality…


Cup final success for youth football team sponsored by Copley Scientific

4 May 2012; Nottingham, UK: Rounding off a successful first season’s sponsorship of Nottinghamshire Under 13’s soccer…


Kick-Off for Copley Scientific’s Sponsorship of local Football Team

3 November 2011; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific, a successful Nottinghamshire company that supplies test equipment to pharmaceutical…


Copley Scientific extends capabilities

10 August 2011; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific is expanding the team at its Nottingham, UK, headquarters, most…


Copley Scientific expands customer support

20 May 2009; Nottingham, UK: The appointment by Copley Scientific of a new service and calibration engineer…


Quality paramount as Copley Scientific achieves new standard

2 February 2009; Nottingham, UK: Copley Scientific has gained certification for its Quality Management System to the…


Copley Scientific provides inhaler testing equipment for University of Huddersfield’s new pharmacy course

7 May 2008; Nottingham, UK: A comprehensive suite of Copley Scientific inhaler testing equipment has been installed…


5th anniversary for Copley Scientific’s European office

11 January 2008; Nottingham, UK: Established in Jan 2003 to provide sales and technical support for customers…
