F. Copley & Company commences trading, manufacturing glassware for the pharmaceutical industry in Beeston, Nottingham.

Pharmaceutical test instrumentation added to the product range.

Frank Copley, company founder.

First tablet dissolution testers introduced.

Company moves to Colwick, Nottingham.

Company renamed to F. Copley & Sons with joining of Peter and Tony Copley.

Company renamed to Copley Instruments.

First equipment for testing inhalers developed.

Rebranded as Copley Scientific

Launch of Copley Inhaler Testing Data Analysis Software.

Next Generation Impactor (NGI) launched.

Copley Scientific celebrates opening European office in Switzerland.

New range of UK manufactured tablet testing equipment introduced.

Copley Scientific moves to new HQ in Colwick, Nottingham.

Introduction of TPK 2000 for dry powder inhaler testing.

First IVIVC testing system for inhalers.

Celebration of company 70th anniversary.

Expansion of Nottingham HQ.

Acquisition of Novi Systems.

Company rebrand and launch of new solid dosage testing platform.

Celebrating 75 years since foundation of the company

Launch of Inhalytix™ data analysis software

Copley joins the Industries Forum of the Taskforce for Lung Health