A new automation tool for inhaled dose uniformity testing from Copley Scientific

1 June 2010; Nottingham, UK: The new DUSA Shaker from Copley Scientific is a small footprint unit that automates the rinsing of Dose Uniformity Sampling Apparatus (DUSA) collection tubes. Automation not only increases productivity, it also enhances the reproducibility of drug recovery and reduces the risk of operator exposure to repetitive strain injury.

Dose uniformity testing is mandatory for all inhaled products to confirm consistency from batch-to-batch and across the product lifetime. Individual shots are recovered from a DUSA collection tube by thorough rinsing, post-testing, with an appropriate solvent. This manually intensive agitation process is prone to inter-and intra-operator variability and any failure to adequately wet all internal walls compromises drug recovery and the integrity of the results.

The DUSA shaker is a novel product designed to ensure full, fast and repeatable drug recovery. It securely holds up to 21 MDI or 12 DPI collection tubes on a series of rollers, subjecting them to a controlled lateral shake and rolling action; shaking frequency and duration can both be set according to test requirements. This process ensures that all internal surfaces are adequately wetted and that agitation is performed with a smooth and yet vigorous action. The unit can be supplied with supporting IQ/OQ documentation and has a footprint of just 570 mm by 610 mm, ideal for the laboratory bench.


About Copley Scientific

Copley Scientific is recognised as the world’s leading manufacturer of inhaler test equipment and is a major supplier of test equipment for pharmaceutical solid dosage forms, including tablet dissolution, disintegration, friability, hardness and powder testers. The company has offices in the UK and Switzerland and a partnership with aerosol particle science experts MSP Corporation in North America. Copley’s broad range of testing products for metered-dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and nasal sprays are supplied and supported worldwide through close relationships with specialist distributors. Serving the pharmaceutical and associated industries, Copley offers an extensive range of equipment for research, development and quality control, as well as full validation and aftersales service, providing a single source for products that meet individual needs.

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