Expert presentations at Australia workshop on powder characterisation and inhaler testing

21 November 2013; Nottingham, UK: A new workshop organised by Monash University will include invited presentations from Copley Scientific, the world’s leading provider of inhaler testing equipment, Freeman Technology, global leaders in the field of powder characterisation, and ATA Scientific, distributors of Malvern Instruments materials characterisation systems. Entitled Pharmaceutical Powder Characterisation and Inhaler Testing Workshop, the event will take place on 25 November 2013 in Boronia, Australia. Attendance is free of charge but places are limited. To find out more or to register please go to

Tim Freeman, Managing Director of Freeman Technology, will begin the workshop with a presentation entitled ‘Understanding and characterising pharmaceutical powder flow’. This will include some detailed discussion of the mechanisms of powder flow, but will focus on how powders can be measured to support pharmaceutical applications. A review of traditional powder testing will set in context how more modern methods can be applied to elucidate inhaler performance, and to optimise key pharmaceutical unit operations such as dispensing, blending and granulation.

Concentrating on orally inhaled products (OIPs), Mark Copley will present ‘In vitro testing of pharmaceutical inhalers’, a review of the regulatory framework for OIPs and the in vitro measurement methods used to meet it. These especially cover delivered dose uniformity and aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD). A key focus will be the technique of cascade impaction which is used to measure the APSD of all OIPs. Mark Copley will provide expert hints and tips on how best to maintain and operate cascade impactors and will give some insight into their use in advancing OIP technology.

Paul Barrett, regional manager at ATA Scientific, will discuss the application of laser diffraction and automated imaging techniques to understanding the performance of dry powder inhalers (DPIs). His case studies will focus on the use of laser diffraction for analysing the aerosolization and dispersion of DPI formulations. Paul will also described how use of component-specific particle characterisation techniques – combining image analysis, Raman spectroscopy and cascade impaction – can enable researchers study how particle shape and formulation composition may affect drug delivery.



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