Flow Meters

Both DDU and APSD data can be severely compromised if the inlet flow rate (the flow rate at the entrance to the induction port or DUSA) used during testing is inaccurate and/or inconsistent, generating discrepancies with regard to its effects on both the cascade impactor itself and the inhaler under test. Copley offers solutions with the required range and accuracy to measure the flow in inhaler testing systems.

Flow Rate Sensor FRS

Designed and manufactured using Copley expertise, the Flow Rate Sensor FRS ensures consistent and accurate inlet flow rate measurement for delivered dose uniformity (DDU) testing and aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD) measurement. The FRS is tailor-made for use with a Copley Flow Controller to determine and control test flow rate in an optimised orally inhaled and nasal drug product (OINDP) testing system.

  • Volumetric mode: Calculation of flow rate base on live T/P conditions
  • Standard mode: Calculation of flow rate based on pre-set T/P conditions
  • Bi-directional air flow measurement
  • Rapid data output for in-depth analysis
  • Low flow resistance

Flow Rate Sensor FRS: Technical Specifications

Operation principle:

Thermal (MEMS)

Standard flow rate range:

-200 to +200 StdL/min

Standard flow rate resolution:

0.1 StdL/min

Standard flow rate accuracy:

Typically +/-1.75 % of reading
Maximum +/- 2.5 % of reading
or ± 0.2 StdL/min, whichever is greater

Volumetric Flow Calculation

Accurate calculation from in-built T & P sensors

Flow resistance:

< 4 kPa at 200 StdL/min

Volumetric flow calculation:


Inlet filter



Interface to external devices, such as:
– Breath Actuation Controller BAC 100i
– Critical Flow Controller TPK 100i
– PC


Flow rate and calibration data via RS-232


5V DC, mains power supply provided

FRS: Flow Controller Connectivity

The Flow Rate Sensor FRS is designed for use with either a Copley Breath Actuation Controller BAC 100i/-R or Critical Flow Controller TPK 100i/-R. The flow rate reading is conveniently displayed on the screen of the BAC or TPK and is also included in the BAC/TPK reports.

View our Flow Controllers

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