DDL23 is first European exhibition for Copley Scientific’s new breathing simulator

24 October 2012; Nottingham, UK: Drug Delivery to the Lungs 23 (DDL23), 5th –7th December 2012, (Edinburgh, UK) marks the first European outing for the BRS 3000, a powerful new breathing simulator from Copley Scientific that is designed specifically to support more representative testing for dry powder and metered dose inhalers (DPIs and MDIs). Visit the Copley Scientific stand to find out how the BRS 3000 can help to secure a greater understanding of OIP performance and for informed debate on how to achieve better in vitro in vivo relationships.

More representative testing, an important goal in inhaled product testing, focuses attention on the breathing profiles applied during in vitro measurement, which are typically square wave functions. The BRS 3000, in contrast, allows users to precisely define and apply breathing profiles that mimic those of a patient and can be used to generate either dose uniformity or aerodynamic particle size distribution data (measured by cascade impaction). In combination with other tools, such as the Alberta Throat and mixing inlets, the BRS 3000 allows users to closely tailor their testing in order to ensure maximum relevance and to gain deeper insight into DPI and MDI performance.

The BRS 3000 permits the application of user-defined flow rate versus time profiles as well as standard sinusoidal, rectangular and triangular waveforms. It offers precise control over inhalation/exhalation ratio, breath volume (up to 5 litres), breathing duration and breaths per minute. With a maximum flow rate of 240 L/min and a acceleration up to 25 L/s2 (free flow) it fully meets the exacting demands of both MDI and DPI testing, where powerful inhalation-only manoeuvres are applied during use.

Visit the Copley Scientific stand at DDL23 or find out more at www.copleyscientific.com

CAPTION: Advancing inhaled product testing: The Copley Scientific BRS 3000 Breathing Simulator setup with Alberta Throat and Mixing Inlet.

About Copley Scientific

Copley Scientific is recognised as the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of inhaler test equipment and is a major provider of testing systems for other pharmaceutical dosage forms. The company is also active in detergent testing, air sampling and aerosol characterisation.

Copley Scientific’s pharmaceutical product range includes test equipment for: delivered dose uniformity and aerodynamic particle size measurement of metered-dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and nasal sprays; as well as tablets (dissolution, disintegration, friability and hardness) capsules, powders, suppositories and transdermals.

Copley Scientific has offices in the UK and Switzerland. The company works in partnership with aerosol particle science experts MSP Corporation in North America, and also distributes MSP Corporation’s air sampling and aerosol characterisation products throughout Europe.

Serving the pharmaceutical and associated industries, Copley Scientific offers an extensive range of equipment for research, development and quality control, as well as full validation and aftersales services. This broad range of products is supplied and supported worldwide through a network of specialist distributors. www.copleyscientific.com

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