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Fast Screening Impactor (FSI)

Fast Screening Impactor (FSI)

Based on proven NGI Preseparator technology, the Fast Screening Impactor (FSI) represents a purpose-made approach to AIM that separates the dose into Coarse Particle Mass (CPM) and Fine Particle Mass (FPM) making it suitable for AIM-HRT application (i.e. FSI-HRT) for MDIs, DPIs and nasal sprays. A range of inserts are available, to generate a 5μm cut-off diameter within the flow rate range of 30-100 L/min at 5 L/min intervals, making it ideal for DPIs tested at a flow rate that equates to a 4kPa pressure drop over the inhaler. A range of different inserts are also available with a range of cut-off diameter/flow rate combinations, allowing for an FSI-QC version, with a cut-off diameter selected close to the product’s MMAD.

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