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EnviroMate™ – Benchtop Environmental Chamber
Accommodating all types of dose uniformity sampling apparatus and cascade impactor, EnviroMate™ is a cost-effective, compact, benchtop environmental chamber solution for analysts struggling to achieve stable environmental conditions for delivered dose uniformity (DDU) and aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD) testing. Maintaining uniform temperature and humidity distribution throughout the chamber, whilst the built-in anti-static system minimises the effects of electrostatic charge, EnviroMate provides analysts with consistent environmental control in the immediate test area, enhancing OINDP test data accuracy and repeatability.
Designed specifically for OINDP testing
Sensitive temperature and relative humidity sensors ensure accurate performance
Access ports and quick connectors enable interfacing with externally located ancillaries
No routine maintenance required
EnviroMate™ – Technical Specifications
User interface
Digital display with set-point control buttons
Ambient temperature
16 – 28ºC
Temperature control range
17 – 35ºC
Temperature control accuracy
Typically ±2ºC
Ambient humidity
35 – 85% RH
Humidity control range
15 – 85% RH
Humidity control accuracy
Typically ±5% RH
Electrostatic minimisation system
Included as standard
Ancillary connector ports
2 x ports for quick-release connectors (left and right) | 2 x ports for cables (left and right) | 2 x ports for interface with BRS 200i and NGI Cooler™ (right)
280 litres
Compressed Air Supply Fitting
6 mm OD Push-Fit
Compressed Air Supply Pressure Requirement
5 to 8 bar (G)
Unit dimensions (w x d x h)
1258 x 761 x 890 mm
EnviroMate™ – Benchtop Environmental Chamber
White paper: Establishing a robust environment for inhaler testing
In this white paper, we examine how the poor control of temperature, relative humidity and electrostatics can influence inhaler testing. Separately, we assess their impact on the performance of cascade impactors, concluding with a discussion about solutions, such as EnviroMate™, that can help.
Download the white paperEnviroMate™ – Example Testing Applications
EnviroMate™ with Breathing Simulator BRS 200i for nebuliser testing
EnviroMate™ with NGI Cooler™ for nebuliser testing
Benchtop Environmental Chamber Related Services

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